Friday, June 6, 2008

Simple Secrets to Longevity

We all know that life is precious--at any given moment, you could be hit by a bus or falling asteroid. You just never know when death might strike, and that is why it is so important to take the necessary steps to preserve your life for the long term.
So what are the secrets that allow one to live a long, healthy, productive life? The answers are simple and fairly easy to implement.
The first few things are pretty basic: eat healthy (more fruit!), stay active for 30 minutes a day or more, and drink or smoke only in moderation. These common sense things will do wonders for your heart, lungs, and brain--the most vital organs--over time.
Another less obvious idea that the above article points out is the theory that having a fun, stimulating, and creative job will keep your mind and body sharp and healthy. The trick, it seems, is to find a job that is allowing you to continually learn new, fulfilling, and challenging skills.
To find out more about living a long life, why not look at centenarians--people who have experience living to 100. Chinese people have embraced the art of Tai Chi to enable longer, more spry lives. Tai Chi "increases leg muscle strength and provides better balance and posture". Not to mention, it also "has numerous health benefits including: increased energy, decreased stress, an immunity boost against viruses, lowered blood pressure, better cognitive functioning, increased joint mobility, an improved cholesterol profile, relief from fibromyalgia symptoms, and even a better night's sleep".
There are also theories that living in calm environments leads to greater longevity. This means taking time out to enjoy the wilderness, away from busy, stressful cities. Breathing fresh air and getting closer to nature makes logical sense for achieving longevity.

So in sum--eat right, get closer to nature, and incorporate excercise routines like Tai Chi in order to live the longest, happiest, healthiest life.

-Alexander Yerpat

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