Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Releasing Positive Endorphins part 1

Today I read an interesting article about ways to naturally release positive endorphins. Endorphins are released by the pituitary gland in your brain, and they cause feelings of elation and euphoria that can last up to 12 hours. Now, we all know that drugs like morpine and cocaine are unnatural and physically addicting ways to release endorphins. What are some good ways to find natural sources of pure happiness?

Eat something hot like a chili pepper or green bell pepper. After eating a pepper, your mouth feels like it is on fire, but not necessarily in a bad way. Once the scalding sensation ceases, you might find yourself craving more and more, as your tolerance to the sweltering pepper increases (and as natural endorphins are released). But are hot peppers healthy for you?

The answer is yes--indulge! Chili peppers are known to protect the heart, fight cancer, provide pain relief, clear congestion and inflammation, and even can aid in weight loss.
Green bell peppers are the lesser known (and lesser appreciated) cousin of the chili pepper. They are not only healthy sources of Vitamins A, B, C and potassium, but have been known to aid in fighting diseases from liver disease to obesity. Spicy foods generally help to clean out your system and leave you feeling great.

More on releasing natural positive endorphins soon.

-Alexander Yerpat

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